It All Begins with an Idea

The idea is that any food can and should serve a healthy function, enhancing the consumer’s quality of life.

Conventional functional foods are natural, whole-food ingredients that are rich in important nutrients like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and heart-healthy fats.

Intentional functional foods have been fortified with additional all-natural ingredients, such as vitamins, minerals, protein, probiotics, or fiber, to increase a food’s health and performance benefits. So, rather than buying and taking additional supplements, the benefits are naturally integrated into the user’s lifestyle.

For example:

  • Yogurt with probiotics added for digestive health

  • Drinks with added caffeine or protein for energy

  • Teas with melatonin for a better night’s sleep

  • Coffee with CBD for calmness, clarity, and general health

  • Milk with vitamin D added

  • Orange juice with added calcium for stronger bones

The key to introducing successful functional foods and beverages is matching the right ingredient with the right food product and then finding the fastest, most efficient way to fuse them together in a way that doesn’t compromise the product experience (flavor, color, and texture) and delivers a consistently measured “dose” of the supplement in each serving.

This is what Ambrosia Innovations does.

Find out why food never felt so good.

Ambrosia Innovations | Functional Food and Beverage Solutions: Find out why food never felt so good.